The Latest from House of Telsa



French Nautical style is a timeless trend that washes ashore like clockwork each spring. Famously brought back into fashion by Coco Chanel in the 1930’s and again in the Chanel Resort 2010 Collection. Nostalgic of cool, rugged French coastlines and Mediterranean sea ports. Personally, I can see myself sipping on a cocktail somewhere in the Greek Isles.... With "French Riviera" a nautical inspired cocktail hat, even if you stay local or never set foot on a yacht, at least you can look like you belong on one.



This month everyone has their eyes out for that green. Truth be told, it looks good on just about everyone, no matter the skin tone! Be it emerald, olivine, mint or chartreuse, if you weren't a fan before; once you've set your eyes on these fabulous and fun hairpieces, your Irish (and not so Irish) eyes might just be smilin’. To further entice you, every green item in my shop is 15% off! (once you've checked out I will reimburse the difference back to your paypal account ). Not applicable on green items being customized. Offer good through 03.17.2010. Click here for my green hued lovelies or visit my shop.

All the best,
♥ Thatiana