The Latest from House of Telsa


Here's The Skinny...

Well, I am now in Wyoming.
We made the move out this past August and have been settling in the past few months. Although physically we are here, my heart is still in L.A.
Don't get me wrong. Wyoming is beautiful. The people have been very welcoming and so polite and the new friends we've made are amazing. The weather always gives you something to talk about. It's cold and it snows, which we were not used to; and man, does the wind blooooooowwwwww. But I like it! Oh, and did I mention it's freezing....yeah, like really cold. Well, at least by this California girls' standards! BUT, we are liking the changes and the newness of it all. Snow is beautiful and makes everything look so calm and serene. I hope I never become jaded to its beauty. Still, I miss the city I was raised in and the family and friends we've left behind. That and the memories of a lifetime make me so nostalgic. ... sigh ...

In any case, it's a new adventure and an opportunity to meet new people and be inspired by new and totally different things. I have put my new mini studio into good use and have designed a couple new hats which I've received great feedback on and that I'm pretty excited about too. I'll have more colors and different variations soon. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy "The Skinny".
